
Oct 7, 2015

A week of free events relating to innovation and entrepreneurship will take place in Sioux City as part of the 3rd annual Launch Week, October 8th – 15th. With speakers, networking opportunities and plenty of fun, Launch Week aims to inspire, motivate, and promote collaboration among professionals.

Aug 7, 2015

The Sioux City metropolitan statistical area has been identified as having the largest personal income growth in the nation, according to data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis and 24/7 Wall St.

Aug 7, 2015

Long-time Sioux City food service distribution company Braunger Foods, LLC has announced plans to expand its operations in Sioux City. Due to recent growth, the company has outgrown space at their 900 Clark Street location. BTW Properties, Inc., a real estate holding company for Braunger Foods, has made an offer to purchase a city-owned building at 2101 Murray Street, its contents and 16 acres of adjacent land. The Murray Street property was acquired by the city as part of the Sabre Industries expansion.

Jul 20, 2015

AP Sioux City LLC, headquartered in Dallas, TX, has announced plans for the construction of a 350,000+ square foot commercial development in the Sunnybrook area.  On Monday, City Council will consider information submitted on the proposed 64-acre development, to be known as “Sunnybrook Village."  The development will boast a mix of nationally-recognized retail and commercial tenants as well as "The Summit," a luxury 225-unit multi-family residential project.  

May 14, 2015

Triumph Foods and Seaboard Foods will form a new joint venture to construct a state-of-the-art pork processing facility in Sioux City, Iowa. The $264 million project will occupy much of the city-owned 250-acres in Bridgeport West Industrial Park, located north of the Sioux Gateway Airport along the Missouri River and create 1,110 new jobs. The plant will initially operate a single shift processing approximately 3 million hogs annually. Construction of the new facility is projected to begin this fall with completion anticipated by summer 2017.

May 11, 2015

The City of Sioux City Economic Development Department has been recognized for efforts to retain a local company that is in the final stages of completing a major expansion. Professional Developers of Iowa (PDI) presented Sioux City with the PDI Business Retention and Expansion Award for efforts in 2014 with the Bomgaars Supply, Inc. expansion project. Governor Terry Branstad and Lt.

May 8, 2015

The Sioux City Economic Development Department has created a new initiative to encourage and highlight Sioux City employers who show pride in the appearance of their business property. The new award name developed for this award is: Pride of Sioux City: Business Beautification Award.

May 8, 2015

The Innovation Market is a social think-tank designed to grow local ideas while forming connections between like-minded leaders of every age. The event is about taking ideas, however big or small, and growing them into action.

May 4, 2015

More than 50 people gathered on the evening of April 29th to attend the Iowa West Coast Dream Big Grow Here regional pitch off event to determine the recipient of a $5,000 business grant and to celebrate the spirit of entrepreneurship in the Siouxland region.  Organizers are pleased to announce Jackson Street Brewing in Sioux City as the grant recipient to expand their startup brewery operation.

Apr 22, 2015

(DES MOINES) – Gov. Terry E. Branstad today announced Sioux City has met the criteria to become designated as a Home Base Iowa Community. Today he also announced Western Iowa Tech Community College has been designated as a Home Base Iowa Certified Higher Academic Military Partners (CHAMP).  A formal announcement and press conference will be held today in Sioux City at the Orpheum Theatre at 4:45 p.m.
