Certified Sites



Southbridge Business Park in Sioux City, Iowa has achieved certification through Quest Site Solutions and the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) as a Certified Industrial Park. The area includes 272 developable acres with rail access, a robust electric transmission network surrounding the property, planned road improvements, and a new interstate interchange to the southeast of the property will be open in 2027.

The Iowa Economic Development Authority created the Iowa Certified Site Program in 2012 to assist local economic development organizations to better prepare their sites for industrial development. Working in conjunction with Quest Site Solutions, the program was developed based on a combination of national site location standards including suitable soils for construction, plans in place for adequate roads and utilities and proof of no existing wetlands, threatened or endangered species or flood plains. 

With the certification, Sioux City’s industrial sites are better equipped to compete for larger industrial projects. The program follows a rigorous process through which City staff worked with utility partners, Union Pacific Railroad, Iowa Dept. of Transportation, multiple engineering firms, and a variety of federal agencies to prepare due diligence materials proving the site is ready for industrial development. The reports, maps, and other data prepared as part of the process are now available for prospective businesses to review as part of their site selection process. This information can be found here.

*Aerial image of Southbridge Business Park