Sioux City and the state of Iowa offer a variety of financial assistance options to help with relocations and expansions. The Sioux City Economic Development staff will work with your company to identify what support is available based in part on job creation, capital investment, ability to meet certain wage standards and economic benefits for the state and community.
Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Special Assessment Program Property Tax Abatement Urban Renewal |
Siouxland Economic Development Corp. (SEDC) Revolving Loan Fund Siouxland Economic Development Corp. (SEDC) Micro Loan Fund SEDC/SBA 504 Loan Program Small Business Development Center MidAmerican Energy
MidAmerican Energy offers a unique energy efficiency program which provides rebates for building with efficient products including windows, HVAC systems, and other mechanical infrastructure. For larger projects, the rebates and energy savings derived from the efficient building methods have made the difference in the site selection process for many companies. |
Targeted Jobs Withholding Tax Credit Program Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer Outreach Program New Job Training Program (260E Program) Targeted Small Business Program Demonstration Fund Revitalize Iowa’s Sound Economy (RISE) Rail Revolving Loan & Grant Program (RRLG) Iowa Workforce Development Center for Industrial Research and Service of Iowa State University (CIRAS) |
Historic Preservation Tax Credit Program New Market Tax Credit Program
The New Market Tax Credit Program provides tax credits to projects in depressed areas. The program’s tax credits can be sold providing an infusion of capital into the project. This program was first used by Sioux City officials in conjunction with the redevelopment of a downtown property to serve as a corporate facility for Northwest Airlines. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) & Airport Concessions Business Enterprise (ACDBE) The DBE & ACDBE programs are intended to provide contracting opportunities to small businesses owned by socially and economically disadvantaged groups and individuals. Female and minority-owned small business are encouraged to learn more about these federally funded programs that can help your business compete for federal contracts, provide access to training, and access to bidding information for upcoming projects. |