Sioux City EDC Staff

Marty Dougherty, Director – 712-279-6345  Email

As Economic & Community Development Director, Marty manages Sioux City's economic development team. He seeks to create and build relationships with new and existing businesses and, along with our economic development partners, improve the community's business environment. He works closely with the City Manager and City Council to successfully implement the City's overall marketing and business development strategy.

Renae Billings, Entrepreneurs & Business Retention – 712-279-6159  Email

As a Economic Development Manager, Renae is active with the City's business retention and attraction program. She works with employers as they consider new investment in the community along with potential new businesses looking to relocate to the area. Renae is also very involved with efforts to engage and connect entrepreneurs.

Chris Myres, Business Attraction, Retention & Expansion – 712-224-5502  Email

As an Business Development Coordinator, Chris prepares comprehensive business assistance packages for new and existing companies, including local and state incentives, loan programs, and development agreements. He works closely with companies and is the primary contact for many State of Iowa programs including the Targeted Jobs Program.

Clayton Bengford, Retention & Expansion – 712-279-6246  Email

As an Economic Development Specialist, Clayton provides support in business recruitment and retention efforts by developing marketing plans, gathering information for proposals, managing projects, and collecting economic data. Clayton also identifies and pursues various funding opportunities, including grants and incentives to support economic development initiatives.

Stefanie Konz, Administrative Secretary - 712-279-6340  Email

As an Administrative Secretary, Stefanie keeps the office running smoothly. She coordinates annual company visits, prepares special reports and handles all bookkeeping and office duties.