A new series of events relating to innovation and entrepreneurship will take place in the Sioux City area as part of Launch Week later this month. September 30th - October 3rd has been designated as Launch Week with an aim to inspire, motivate, and promote collaboration among professionals.
The Sioux City Growth Organization (SCGO) will kick off Launch Week on Monday, September 30th with the 3rd annual Young Professionals Day of Sioux City. SCGO invites all professionals in the business community to attend this event starting at 3 p.m at the Stoney Creek Inn. Speakers include Governor Branstad, IEDA Director Debi Durham, State Senator Rick Bertrand, and a panel of Sioux City professionals. The event will close with Ripple Award recognitions and a social hour.
On Tuesday, October 1st a new business will open its doors in downtown Sioux City and offer affordable office space with essential amenities for startups and small businesses. Springboard Coworking, located on the second floor of the 4th & Jackson building, will provide a space for independent professionals to connect with resources and people who can help them. The young entrepreneurs and founders of RXA Technology will host an event, called Base 3, that evening in the new coworking space. Base 3 will include networking, discussions, and feature speakers with experience and expertise in the entrepreneurial field.
Wire Me Awake will conclude Launch Week with an entrepreneurial conference designed to connect attendees with great contacts and ideas. The conference will start Wednesday night, October 2nd with a welcome party and networking event in downtown Yankton. October 3rd will be filled with an innovative set of speakers from around the region and end with a closing party that evening.
For additional information on the event opportunities above, please visit the following websites: siouxcitygo.com; www.rxatechnology.com/base3/; and wiremeawake.com
City Hall
405 Sixth Street
P.O. Box 447
Sioux City, Iowa 51102
Renae Billings
Economic Development Specialist