Building Permits: The City of Sioux City saw record breaking residential housing construction in 2016. A total of 241 housing units were built, the highest number in the past decade. The previous high was 205 units in 2015. The following table shows the number of housing units constructed over the past decade.
Much of this rise in housing units can be attributed to private-public partnerships and a renewed interest in in-fill development. The continued use of city-wide urban revite has encouraged new development around the city. A new trend of duplex, townhouse, and urban condo development has also become prevelant over the past years. Many of the residential rezonings and subdivisions over the past few years have had larger numbers of attached housing included. Sioux City has also seen an increased interest in muli-family development, with 120 apartment and 27 condo units developed in 2016. These units include the Summit Apartments in the Sunnybrook Village development and the Virginia Square development in downtown. The graph below shows the breakout of single family dwellings, condo, and apartment units built in 2016.
City Staff expect this upward trend to continue. Construction in the Whispering Creek and Eagle Ridge developments continue, and City Staff see renewed interest for in-fill development and the conversion of existing buildings into housing.